Dr. Prem Kumar
Hon'ble Minister, Dept. of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of Bihar

The term Biological diversity or Biodiversity refers to the entire variety and variability of life forms in existence on earth. It encompasses the entire range of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, insects and other invertebrates including plants, fungi and other microorganisms like Protists, bacteria and viruses. Biodiversity on earth is expressed at three levels, genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. Its direct and indirect services are crucial for the sustenance of life on this planet.
Click here for apply online Applications for “Internship Scheme”.
Notice Inviting Applications for “Internship Scheme” of Bihar State Biodiversity Board
Invitation of quotation for Internet Networking for Bihar State Biodiversity Board.
Invitation of quotation for Branded 75 inch smart T.V for Bihar State Biodiversity Board.
Invitation of quotation for GST, TDS and Internal Adudit of Bihar State Biodiversity Board.
Quotation for Hardware Requirements
Quotation for Designing & Printing of Wall Calendar, Table Calendar and Diary of 2024
Quotation for Heritage Tree Software
Quotation for Diary and Calendar Printing
User Manual for Online Uploading of BMC
पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिए गांवों में जैव विविधता की पाठशाला
स्कूली बच्चों ने पटना ज़ू की जैव विविधता को अपने कैमरे में किया कैद , पुरस्कार भी जीता (1)
Click here for apply online Applications for “Internship Scheme”.
Notice Inviting Applications for “Internship Scheme” of Bihar State Biodiversity Board
Invitation of quotation for Internet Networking for Bihar State Biodiversity Board.
Invitation of quotation for Branded 75 inch smart T.V for Bihar State Biodiversity Board.
Invitation of quotation for GST, TDS and Internal Adudit of Bihar State Biodiversity Board.
Quotation for Hardware Requirements
Quotation for Designing & Printing of Wall Calendar, Table Calendar and Diary of 2024
Quotation for Heritage Tree Software
Quotation for Diary and Calendar Printing
User Manual for Online Uploading of BMC
पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिए गांवों में जैव विविधता की पाठशाला
स्कूली बच्चों ने पटना ज़ू की जैव विविधता को अपने कैमरे में किया कैद, पुरस्कार भी जीता (1)

Bringing Changes
Welcoming the guests, Professor Prabhat P Ghosh, Director ADRI mentioned that the combination of Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) can only be effective to save our environment. The chief guest of the function was Dr. Anandi Subramanian, Principal Advisor, MoEF&CC. In her address to the trainees she explained on the background of GSDP and mentioned that “GSDP should become a movement”.

Bringing Changes
Welcoming the guests, Professor Prabhat P Ghosh, Director ADRI mentioned that the combination of Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) can only be effective to save our environment. The chief guest of the function was Dr. Anandi Subramanian, Principal Advisor, MoEF&CC. In her address to the trainees she explained on the background of GSDP and mentioned that “GSDP should become a movement”.